Hi, wilbur298 here, and this is my Kalphite Queen guide.
First, get you'r mage gear for ice barrage, This includes:
1. Magic robes (such as infinity or ahrims.)
2. Ancient staff (optional, but it's nice to have to auto cast.)
3. 10k water,death, and blood runes.
4. No food needed, as you can safe.
Tele to Kalphite Queen by going to Home and go into the dirt hole and go to the end of tunnel.
Once there simply attack and run to where you first came from in the Kalphite's Lair, Then attack and kill it.
The following is a drop guide (props to articipate):
Kalphite Queen
250M cash 3%
Dragon Chainbody 2%
3A Range Top 1%
3A Range Bottom 1%
Dragon Full Helm 1%
Saradomin Sword 1%
Zamorak Godsword 1%
Saradomin GodSword 1%